Compressed Air
Compressor Range
For any size of surgery and any requirement, Dürr Dental has just the compressor in the programme – from the compact Duo to the Quattro Tandem for up to 10 workstations.
Duo Tandem Med
The Duo Tandem Med generates compressed air in medicinal quality – for the highest demands in implant technology and surgical treatment.
Tandem Concept
Compressors in the Tandem range offer excellent reliability and compatibility for the future. These have a modular construction in case of surgery expansions.
Membrane-drying unit
The innovative membrane technology of Dürr Dental compressors provides drying at the highest level – including continuous service availability.
Inner tank coating
The inside of the tanks of Dürr Dental compressors are coated with a special antibacterial material, which ensures safety and fights corrosion.
Accessories and service
From the housing to the filter system, Dürr Dental offers sensible compressor accessories for all requirements.